Most businesses had shut up shop for the day. But braving the aggro was the (capitalist pig) Spar on Haymarket which was doing a roaring trade in king-size Rizla, Ginsters and tinnies.
Below are some snaps taken before the well-drilled clear-up op of central London had kicked into gear.
Earlier in the day, thousands had marched peacefully in support of the UK Uncut cause.
But trouble broke out as night fell as anarchists went on the rampage. The trouble led to over 200 arrests and left over 80 injured.
Graf outside The Ritz:

The coppers in this van weren't dead keen on my taking this snap. They looked really tired and a bit cross.

Dancing round the camp-fire in Trafalgar Square:

Police search for clues in Santander:

Cashpoints attacked:

Lloyds TSB booted in:

The Ritz: Trashed.

Discarded placards:

.. intrepid stuff. Robt Fiske, move over. Did one or two of these pix pop up on earlier?