Friday 27 July 2012

The Revolution Will Be Televised trailer & teasers

Beeb Three have started to release teasers for the eagerly anticipated The Revolution Will Be Televised. ArchBlog cannae wait to watch the new tellybox series.

"In the great tradition of mischief-makers Heydon Prowse and Jolyon Rubinstein bash a variety of politicians, multinationals and tax-shy billionaires who have been mocking the British public for years. Now it’s their turn to be outraged, deceived, inconvenienced and humiliated."

First up, here's the series trailer.

Here's future Chancellor and/or Lib Dem leader Vince Cable revealing he happily goes for a sneaky latte with besuited people (JR) he's never met but only so long as he receives positive "feedback" from his SPAD "people" on the issue:

HP flogging overpriced tat (inc. Prince Harry DNA tests) to rain-soaked Diamond Jubilee revellers enjoying the historic celebrations (you remember the celebrations - they were the ones which hospitalised the Queen's hubbie):

& here's BBCOMGWTF red-carpet reporter Zam Zmith quizzing Cheryl on the small matter of what's the point of it all (human existence).

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