Yesterday's torrential downpour in London reminded me that, unfortunately, you can't wear Quoddy deck shoes all year round in England. There comes a time when you need to boot up against the elements, especially when riding a bike into driving rain up Holland Park Avenue. I adore my trusty pair of Timberland Boot Company boots, but am also a big fan of these Trickers for Kurt Geiger boots just released. I like 'em because the leather reminds me of my dad's awesome Mulberry work bag and a basketball. I spose my only slight reservation with these is they might make one look a little BNP/EDL if teamed with cut-off stonewashed jeans and a black nylon bomber jacket!

While on the subject of bulky boots for Autumn, the laces on these Visvims are superb and makes me wonder why far more show manufacturers don't invest more R&D dough into out-of-the-ordinary lacing?
I like the bottom ones best. Top ones too sergeant major for my taste.