Tuesday 18 May 2010

Henry VIII's dream jeans

It's pretty impressive how jeans have taken over the world. The humble workwear staple has become, undoubtedly, the world's fave legwear.
The reach across class and country boundaries is unreal. Liberian robbers wear jeans. And so does Prince Harry. In fact, it is hard to imagine a world without jeans.
But such a world did exist. One of the best-known rulers in the pre-jeans era was Henry the Eighth. So, it saddens me to today stumble across these understated denim beauties. I am sad because I can't help but think how much Henry would have loved these. They'd have ticked all his big boxes:
*roomy crotch (for his massive package)
*easy to let out after a big banquet
*ideal for horseback wear

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